Plots the given mathematical function but limits the range in the interval [1, 1]
Converts the given mathematical function into javascript readable code. It provides protection
against malicious code injection as well
Handles the I/O functionality,
i.e responsibility for interpreting functions and user input, upon which actual sound is produced
Design and Pipelining
Handles user interface and website aesthetics, enabling the user to play the instrument in a piano-like fashion
Envelope Graph
Displays three separate concatenated functions. Options exist to display these as continuous and normalized
Instead of repeating the same function constantly, envelope takes several functions into consideration when
calculating how sound should be emitted and changed over time.
Records sequences that a user plays. This sequence can be replayed or downloaded in a format that is replayable
and compatible with the website.
The state of the website can be saved into a URL that can be saved for later use.
Plays sound buffers through utilizing the javascript web audio API
Handles key-press functionality and backend
Enables the use of a connected physical midi keyboard
Receives several arguments which shape the graph. The graph is based upon Chart JS, a javascript library that--
given a dataset in the form of a domain and range, plots a graph out of said dataset. The arguments received are first
and foremost a value maxX, which is the maximum rendering range of the graph in the x-direction. Another argument, numPoints
is the amount of points that should be evenly distributed along this x-axis of legth maxX. The delta between each point is maxX/numPoints.
A function is provided that provides the corresponding range for each point, i.e each domain value associated with the point.
Finally, a boolean: normalize is used as its names implies, if the client wants to normalize the graph. The range of the
graph is beforehand limited to the interval [-1, 1], this however can severly limit how the graph is displayed
as soon as the range falls out of the aforementioned interval. In order to preserve the derivative of the graph in all points,
the range can be normalzied in order to fall between the specified range. This is achieved by dividing all values
in the range with the biggest value in the range (in magnitude, i.e absolute amount). Consequently, the largest value
in the range will amount to 1 (or -1) and the rest will be distributed in the interval [-1, 1].
- MaxX: Indicates the upper bound of the domain interval in the span [0, maxX], i.e how far the graph wll go in the x-direction
- numPoints: The amount of points that will be calculated and plotted
- fn: The function that will be plotted
- normalize: Boolean that indicates whether to let the function be plotted fully or constrict it to the interval -1 to 1
- Output: Graph that displays a function within a constrained domain and range
Parser receives a mathematical function as input in text form and translates said function into javascript-readable
code. This is achieved through regex (regular expression), a way of categorizing strings or sub-strings by imposing
syntactical rules that search through said strings.
- expr: expression that the user provides in the input field
- Output: The expression in javascript-readable code
Envelope graph
Envelope graph is similar in all but the amount of functions taken as input, as well as three different intervals that
for each respective function. These functions are concatenated and displayed as one continuous function.
- maxX1-maxX3: Indicates the upper bound of the domain interval in the span [0, maxX], i.e how far the graph wll go in the x-direction
- fn1-fn3: The functions that will be plotted
- Output: The graph with the concatenated functions
Handles the I/O functionality, i.e responsibility for interpreting functions and user input,
upon which actual sound is produced. The module works by sampling values along the imagined function line in the graph.
Taking all values in the range is unfeasible as the range has an infinite amount of members within any interval
of the domain. Instead, values are sampled according to a set sample rate, similar to points with a given delta in a graph.
This buffer plays the sampled values by passing on these values to the computer output device. The frequency
with which these samples are played is further impacted by frequency, which is mapped to the various computer keyboard
- maxX1-maxX3: Indicates the upper bound of the domain interval in the span [0, maxX], i.e how far the graph wll go in the x-direction
- fn1-fn3: The functions that will be plotted
- Output: A buffer with playable sampled data points, i.e a waveform
Changes data points in the buffer created in the waveform module which effectively alters the waveform. These changes
can be with reggards to amplitude (volume), pitch (frequency variance) and filtering of sound (only allow certain frequencies).
Similarly to waveform and graph, a function is used to alter the value of the datapoints.
- N: Number interval
- fn: Function to sample
- Samples: Number of samples in interval
- Output: An altered buffer with playable sampled data points, i.e a waveform
Design And Pipelining
General design and aesthetics of the webpage, e.g graph sizes, settings and a graphical display of the synth piano.
This module is also responsible for connecting all other aforementioned modules,
i.e creating pipelines between them.
Records whatever is played by the user. This sequence or data blob can be either downloaded for
later use or replayed instantly.
- Output: Playable data blob
Saves the state of the synth whenever the user wishes to. This action preserves said state in a URL that is saved
to the clipboard upon command. The URL can then be reused at user discretion on a later date or time.
- Presets: Settings present at session
- Norms: Values such as pitch, amplitude etc
- Output: URL that holds the saved state of a synth session
Receives a readily available buffer and produces sound from the data points it contains.
Handles the backend of the piano UI at display on the website. Keeps track of when keys were pressed,
how long they were pressed, and when they were released.
- Synth: Receives a synth as argument
- Output: Sequences of pressed keys
Midi keyboard
When a midi keyboard is present, pressing the piano notes on the keyboard will map to the corresponding
notes on the computer keyboard.
- Synth: Receives a synth as argument
- Synth: Receives a piano as argument
- Output: Simulates the sequences of pressed keys in piano